Friday, January 21, 2005


Take with lots of alcohol

Most of Wednesday was spent reading Dave Navarro’s Don’t Try This At Home. So far it confirms just about everything I’ve always suspected Navarro of being. He’s narcissistic, weird as fuck, and gets more action than a porn star. Naturally you’d think this would make for a great read (don’t get me wrong, there are times when the book is pretty fascinating- like the chapter where Navarro lists all the household items he’s used to "tie off"), but all the dopey, self-indulgent stuff throughout the book about death, the meaning of life, and astral projection are a real chore to plow through.

I met up with Joslin at the Earl around 10pm for Todd Barry’s show. She arrived looking quite the indie-rock scenester, with her black framed glasses and bright, rainbow colored leg warmers. We sat on a sofa in a dark corner of the club while the opening band played, and talked about everything from Charles Bukowski and garage rock, to the universal appeal of Lindsey Lohan’s genre-bending, pop/rock debut. (Lindsey Lohan’s new CD, "Speak" is now available at a Wal-Mart near you!) After playing for what felt like an eternity, the opening band finally ended their set and Todd Barry came on stage. Maybe I’m a bit biased because I’m a huge fan of the guy’s comedy, but Barry’s set that night was amazing. He had some killer material about Fugazi, the Clermont Lounge and Sugar Ray that had me laughing so hard I thought I was going to black out (Though I’m sure the fact that I’d been guzzling PBR’s like there was no tomorrow might have had something to do with that).

Tomorrow I’m headed to Athens to hang out with Anne and see the Drive By Truckers. Let the binge drinking begin.

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