Sunday, March 20, 2011
Are you there Cthullu? It's me, Morie

This morning I found myself standing behind an older woman at Quick Trip who radiated crazy energy the way the late (for now) Johnny Storm radiated waves of fiery plasma. The woman had to have been in her 50's, yet she was wearing a skimpy, bright green dress that showed off her wrinkled, olive-colored skin and a faded tattoo of two butterflies on her left shoulder. She wore comically over-sized sunglasses, and spoke with the kind of gravelly rasp that made Macy Gray sound like Jennifer Tilly.
My jaw nearly hit the linoleum floor when I saw her exit the store and hop inside a brand new convertible Audi. This odd looking woman had all the physical characteristics and crazy, hyper-animated mannerisms of your typical, garden variety crazy person, yet she was driving a car worth four times as much as my humble little Korean import.
What the fuck? Was she some rich guy's aging trophy wife? Or am I supposed to believe that this fifty-ish woman with the crazy sunglasses, faded tattoos, and tacky dress is somehow able to hold down a job and make monthly payments on a car worth more than I make in an entire year?
It's been so long since my last Japanese lesson, I've already forgotten an alarming amount of words/phrases. It's so difficult to stay focused on learning a language that you know will serve no purpose whatsoever. It's not like Atlanta is just teeming with Japanese immigrants. If I were more practical I''d forget about Japanese and work on my Spanish. But Spanish is so HARD! I'll never forget how lost I felt in my high school Spanish 101 class when we started conjugating verbs. It was like the proverbial rug had been yanked from beneath my proverbial Pumas.
I tried activating my latent telekinetic abilities today. I'm pretty sure you can imagine how that went.